Judge Dennis Davis
About Judge Dennis Davis
Dennis Davis is a judge of the High Court of South Africa and judge president of the Competition Appeals Court of South Africa. He has held professorial appointments at the University of Cape Town and University of the Witwatersrand, as well as numerous visiting appointments at Cambridge, Harvard, New York University, and others. He has authored eleven books, including Lawfare: Judging Politics in South Africa.
Dennis’s lectures (120)
14 January
Aaron Copland: The American Composer Whom Leonard Bernstein Said is the Best We Have
16 January
Judge Brandeis
1 February
Reds Under the Bed: The Witch Hunts and HUAC
5 February
Explaining the International Court of Justice’s Decision Against Israel
27 February
The Magic of Leonard Bernstein
21 April
The Message of Pesach for 2024: A Tour Through Seder Text and Song
2 May
Leonard Bernstein’s Kaddish Symphony: An Exploration of its Music and Theology
2 June
Beethoven's 9th: Two Hundred Years Since its First Performance
13 June
20 June
The League of Nations and the Mandate
3 July
Puccini's 100th Anniversary
8 August
Abraham Lincoln: The Law and Democracy
14 August
Thoroughgood (Thurgood) Marshall: The Supreme Court’s First African-American Judge
26 August
Gandhi: The Lawyer and Passive Resistance
10 October
The Music of Yom Kippur: Its Potential for Healing and Inspiration
7 November
Clarence Darrow
5 December
Sydney Kentridge
10 December
150th Anniversary of Verdi Requiem