Ollie Anisfeld
About Ollie Anisfeld
Ollie Anisfeld is the founder and director of J-TV, a global, online Jewish channel that aims to inspire positive Jewish identity, values, and knowledge through engaging video media. J-TV features content on current affairs, Jewish philosophy and values, Jewish history, and other entertainment. Ollie launched J-TV in 2015 while he was in his final year at University College London reading history. J-TV has viewers all over the globe with a viewership that is predominantly aged between 16–35. Ollie’s favorite word is “edutainment”—a combination of educational and entertainment content to influence hearts and minds.
Ollie’s lectures (10)
19 April
Ollie Anisfeld Interviews David Bernstein About his New Book, 'Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews'.
20 April
Film: 'The Making of a Monster'
6 June
Everyday Hate: How Antisemitism is Built into our World—and How You Can Change It
20 September
Rabbi Dwek in Conversation with Ollie Anisfeld: Forgiveness in the Age of Cancel Culture