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George Osborne and Lord Daniel Finkelstein
Will 2022 Be Any Better Than 2021?

Tuesday 9.02.2021


This discussion covers various topics, including the global economic impact of COVID-19, the challenges of living with COVID-19 in the long term, the effects of Brexit on the UK economy, and the change in administration in the United States. George Osborne discusses the importance of fostering a competitive and attractive business environment in the UK.

George Osborne

an image of George Osborne

George Osborne is a founding partner of 9Yards Capital. He served as Britain’s chancellor of the exchequer from 2010–2016, during which time he was also a member of the National Security Council. He also served as Britain’s first secretary of state.

Lord Daniel Finkelstein

an image of Daniel Finkelstein

Lord Daniel Finkelstein OBE is a former politician and is currently associate rditor of the Times. He is also a lead writer and a weekly political columnist. Before joining the Times in 2001, he was adviser to both Prime Minister John Major and conservative leader William Hague. He is the chairman of Policy Exchange and was elevated to the House of Lords in August 2013.